Resumen El presente estudio utiliza los valores unitarios de exportación como medida de calidad de los bienes exportados y analiza, mediante este...
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El propósito de este estudio es documentar y evaluar los dos primeros años de la actual administración de gobierno en el Paraguay (2003-2008)...
Los persistentes niveles de pobreza de América Latina y el Caribe, vinculados a la desigual distribución de los ingresos y las bajas y volátiles...
During the 1990s, the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean implemented a series of far-reaching structural reforms and took a new...
Durante los años noventa, las economías de América Latina y el Caribe emprendieron profundos procesos de reforma estructural y nuevas...
For most developing countries, open regionalism has emerged as quite a sensible response to the undergoing turbulent and asymmetric process of...
El logro de la equidad en América Latina y el Caribe, constituye una tarea aún pendiente para los países de la región. Al respecto, baste...
Resumen El posible Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de las Américas(ALCA), busca vincular a los países de América Latina y el Caribe(con excepción de...
The prospective Free Trade Agreement of the Americas seeks to link the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (with the...
Abstract The paper deals with changes in the regulation and supervision of the Latin American financial sector in the aftermath of the Tequila...
Abstract In this overview we analyse, first, why funds continued to flow towards emerging economies, while fundamentals in host countries had been...
This article studies the currency risk management of multinational companies with investments in Latin American countries. The...
Abstract During the Asian crisis, intermediate exchange rate regimes vanished. It has been argued that those regimes were no longer useful...
This paper explores the complementary use of two instruments to manage capital-account volatility in developing countries: capital...
Abstract This paper looks at the evolution of the terms of trade between commodities and manufactures in the twentieth century. A...
Resumen Los acelerados cambios que impone la sociedad de la información en el ámbito productivo y comunicacional obliga a los nuevos medios a...
Abstract This paper seeks to provide a systematized framework for the main ideas that have been developed by ECLAC concerning the effects that...
Introduction The volatility and contagion characteristic of international financial markets, which dominated emerging economies during the 1990s,...