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Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
diciembre 2002 |

En esta publicación se hace un análisis de la
evolución de la economía regional en el año 2002, desde una perspectiva
comparativa e...

Publication cover
agosto 2002 |

La presente edición del Estudio económico de América Latina y el Caribe, publicación anual que aparece cada año desde 1948, consta de tres partes...

Publication cover
agosto 2002 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial

This paper explores the impact recent structural reforms have had on macro-to-micro linkages, as well as upon the pattern of production...

Publication cover
agosto 2002 |

Presentación Este documento contiene una evaluación de la economía de la región al término del primer semestre de 2002 y de las perspectivas...

Publication cover
agosto 2002 |
  • Fanelli, José María

The Argentine economy is currently going through the deepest and most prolonged recession of the postwar period: a devastating panorama that...

Publication cover
junio 2002 |
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
NU. CEPAL. Unidad de Estudios Especiales

Abstract In the 1990s, the economic performance of the Latin American and Caribbean economies was highly dependent on capital inflows into the...

Publication cover
junio 2002 |

Introduction The volatility and contagion characteristic of international financial markets, which dominated emerging economies during the 1990s,...

Publication cover
abril 2002 |

Introduction The process that has come to be known as globalization .i.e., the progressively greater influence being exerted by worldwide...

Publication cover
marzo 2002 |

Foreword In contrast to its situation during the lost decade", in the 1990s the Latin American and Caribbean region regained its access...