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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
diciembre 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

Brazil's electoral outlook and the external backdrop were the main drivers of Latin American credits in the third quarter of 2002, thus the...

Publication cover
diciembre 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Brasilia

Position paper responsável pela sugestão da agenda positiva" para o Encontro Internacional de Atração de Investimento Direto Externo,...

Publication cover
diciembre 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

In the third quarter of 2003, investors continued to favor riskier assets buoyed by abundant global liquidity, low interest rates in mature...

Publication cover
noviembre 2003 |
Organización Iberoamericana de Juventud

Invertir en los y las jóvenes iberoamericanos de hoy no es sólo una necesidad para garantizar el relevo de la fuerza de trabajo e incrementar el...

Publication cover
octubre 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

In the first half of 2003, emerging debt markets rallied, as disillusionment with equities, geopolitical concerns, and doubts about growth...

Publication cover
octubre 2003 |
Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas

Resumen Se introduce el concepto de déficit habitacional y se señala su relevancia para las políticas públicas y su relación con la información...

Publication cover
septiembre 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

In the second quarter of 2002, conditions in global financial markets worsened as investor confidence deteriorated and risk aversion heightened....

Publication cover
julio 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

With the first signals of a global economic recovery, prospects for private capital flows to emerging markets improved in the first quarter of...

Publication cover
junio 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

The emerging markets debt class entered 2003 in sound shape. Similar to 2002, emerging markets debt finished the first quarter of 2003 as the top...

Publication cover
marzo 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

The fourth quarter of 2002 saw an increase in investor optimism, especially in October and November. The combination of declining risk aversion...

Publication cover
Enero 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

In the 1990s, Canada's trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean intensified. The signing of the North American Free Trade...

Publication cover
Enero 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Discusses the challenges facing key sectors in the Caribbean region, paying particular attention to agriculture, tourism, nutrition and health,...