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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
diciembre 2018 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

This document, prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Washington Office, presents and analyzes the most...

Publication cover
diciembre 2018 |
  • Botta, Alberto

Most of the literature about the effects of portfolio capital inflows to developing countries focuses on how macroeconomic stability is affected....

Publication cover
agosto 2018 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial

En este informe anual de la CEPAL se presentan y analizan las principales tendencias de la inversión extranjera directa (IED) en los países de...

Publication cover
julio 2018 |

En este documento se expone sintéticamente la situación de América Latina y el Caribe en temas económicos, sociales y de población, así como de...

Publication cover
julio 2018 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

This document, prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Washington Office, presents and analyzes the most...

Publication cover
abril 2018 |

FDI inflows in Latin America and the Caribbean have been declining since their peak in 2011, and we estimate a further drop in 2017.