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Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
diciembre 2001 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Introduction The 1990s was marked by a process of review of governmental policy towards the attainment of the goal of gender equality and equity...

Publication cover
diciembre 2001 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Económico

Abstract In the last two centuries (1800-2000) the world has seen an unprecedented increase in the capacity to create material wealth and...

Publication cover
diciembre 2001 |

Introduction The social agenda is long-term in nature, in the sense that poverty alleviation along with a better distribution of income, wealth...

Publication cover
septiembre 2001 |
Secretaría de Cooperación Iberoamericana

Foreword The Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government,which met in Panama in November 2000, devoted a good part of its...

Publication cover
agosto 2001 |
  • Sojo, Ana

Following a conceptual analysis of the term "quasi-market", this article will look at four national efforts to reform health-care...

Publication cover
julio 2001 |

Foreword The twenty-eighth session of ECLAC took place in Mexico City in April 2000 and thus was held at the start of both a new decade and a...

Publication cover
mayo 2001 |
  • Morley, Samuel A.
Países Bajos. Gobierno


At the start of the new decade,the debate on economic policy centres on
the consequence of the reforms implemented in Latin...

Publication cover
abril 2001 |
  • Franco, Rolando
  • Sáinz, Pedro

Now that the 1990s have ended and a new millennium is dawning, the low rate of economic growth, the region's vulnerability to international...

Publication cover
abril 2001 |
  • Hopenhayn, Martín

This article holds that ensuring the full sway of economic, social and cultural rights makes it possible to advance towards greater equality of...