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Showing 1 to 20 of 22 results in 2 pages.
Publication cover
agosto 2021
Publication cover
agosto 2012 |

En un contexto mundial particularmente complejo, América Latina y el Caribe requiere, con más fuerza que nunca, perseverar en tres direcciones...

Publication cover
julio 2012 |

El presente documento profundiza y amplía los planteos que la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) plasmara en "La hora...

Publication cover
mayo 2010 |

La profundización de la democracia, como orden colectivo y como imaginario global compartido, clama por una mayor igualdad de oportunidades y...

Publication cover
diciembre 2008 |
  • Altimir, Oscar

This article analyses the costs in terms of income distribution of the crisis and adjustments of the 1980s, as well as the effects of the...

Publication cover
agosto 2004 |
  • García, Norberto E.

The growth of high-quality employment needed to reduce the share of informal
occupation and open unemployment in Peru will require an...

Publication cover
diciembre 2003 |
  • Tokman, Víctor E.

This article puts forth a hypothesis and a challenge.
The hypothesis: structural change in the international economy and in the management...

Publication cover
julio 2003 |

Foreword The 1990s were unquestionably a time of transition and reorientation in several aspects of Latin America and the Caribbean's...

Publication cover
abril 2003 |
  • Berry, R. Albert

The author argues that the effectiveness of poverty alleviation instruments largely depends on how poverty is defined. The aim of reducing...

Publication cover
diciembre 1999
Publication cover
diciembre 1998
Publication cover
marzo 1998 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

This document outlines the recent economic performance of the Caribbean countries and some of the salient issues and problems...

Publication cover
agosto 1996 |
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

ECLAC has submitted an overall assessment of the economic reforms implemented during the past 15 years to the Governments of the region and, based...

Publication cover
agosto 1996 |
  • Siri, Gabriel

This article deals with various aspects relating to social investment funds, especially their financing, the sustainability of the resulting...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Baño, Rodrigo

This article provides an overview of a number of changes that have taken place in the region's economy, together with their effects in terms...

Publication cover
agosto 1992 |

Presentación Hace dos años, la Secretaría de la CEPAL planteó una propuesta para el desarrollo de los países de América Latina y el Caribe en el...