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Showing 1 to 20 of 125 results in 7 pages.
7 de octubre de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
An Introduction to CGE Modeling is designed to introduce fundamental concepts and practices of tax and trade policy assessment. The primary tool used is Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling. The workshop will be a brief introduction to the practice of economic impact analysis, and a...
17 de septiembre de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
The overall objective of this technical assistance is to improve the technical capacity of staff and management of the Department of Gender Affairs, the Department of Statistics, and other Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Government of Turks and Caicos Islands to collect, analyze,...
17 de septiembre de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
The ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean will convene an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) to consider elements of artificial intelligence readiness and digital government strategies for Caribbean countries, taking into consideration their special circumstances as Small Island Developing...
9 de septiembre de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Confronting the challenges to resilient growth and sustainable development in the Caribbean: from dialogue to action post the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States
21 de agosto de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This event is being organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries Trinidad and Tobago and the Faculty of Engineering, University of the West Indies.
15 de julio de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
8 de julio de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
26 de junio de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Virtual expert group meeting on statistics for sustainable development in ECLAC associate member countries
29 de mayo de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This side event will take place at the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS-4). Convened by the Parliamentary Observatory on Climate Change and Just Transition (OPCC), it will discuss how robust legal frameworks can unlock climate finance for building resilience and...
22 de mayo de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Media Webinar in the Leadup to the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States
3 de abril de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
The Caribbean is home to more than 11 million youth between the ages of 15 and 29. These young people have a central role to play in achieving sustainable development in the region. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an opportunity to galvanize action aimed at promoting greater...
3 de noviembre de 2023 | Comité de monitoreo
CDCC member countries and associate members will convene for the twenty-first meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee.
1 de noviembre de 2023 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
CDCC member countries and associate members will convene for the twenty-first meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee. This is preceded by the MonCom Seminar. This year's theme Positioning the Caribbean in the knowledge economy: The role of data
18 de septiembre de 2023 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Expert Group Meeting to discuss measuring the digital society to advance digital inclusion in the Caribbean
1 de junio de 2023 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This workshop is part of the activities of the United Nations Development Account project "Harnessing the contribution of intra-regional migration to socio-economic development in Latin American and Caribbean countries" (12th tranche), which focuses on five countries (Costa Rica, Chile, Jamaica,...
10 de mayo de 2023 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Institutionalizing sound evidence-based sustainable development policies in the Caribbean requires quality, timely, and accessible climate change and disasters indicators that are harmonized and comparable across countries.
15 de diciembre de 2022 | Otros eventos
The overall objective of the seminar is to provide a space for discussion among technical and policy experts on ways to further digital inclusion efforts at the national and regional levels. It is intended as an introductory level seminar, to allow participants to gain a common understanding of...
13 de diciembre de 2022 | Otros eventos
The workshop is being convened to discuss and agree on the steps towards the preparation of the national, regional and synthesis reports on the 10-year Review of the Implementation of the SAMOA Pathway.