Comprehensive Development Plan


Diálogo Virtual: Gobernanza del litio en México. Lecciones desde otros países de América Latina
El objetivo de esta reunión es presentar las experiencias comparadas de los países del triángulo del litio (Bolivia, Chile, Argentina) sobre el rol del Estado y los actores privados en la extracción y procesamiento del litio, para aportar elementos que informen la discusión sobre la reforma constitucional en curso en México.

Annual Seminar on National Accounts for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021: Towards SCN 2025 - Methodological update and new challenges in National Accounts measurements
This 2021 version of the seminar focuses primarily on the topics of the 2025 SNA update and the future of economic statistics, based on information on the status of the guidelines and the global consultation on topics such as welfare and sustainability, and the informal economy.

Preparatory meeting for the Fifth Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing and the Rights of Older Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean
Within the framework of the Fifth Intergovernmental Conference on Aging and the Rights of Older Persons to be held in 2022, this preparatory meeting is organized, which aims to present a preliminary content proposal for the preparation of the regional report, report on progress and experiences in the process of preparing national reports on compliance with the Madrid International Plan of Action and addressing aspects related to the organization of the Fifth Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Aging and the Rights of Older People, which will take place in 2022.

COP26 Side Event- Climate Finance and Trade to build resilience to Climate Change
UN ECLAC Excecutive Secretary, Ms. Alicia Bárcena will participate in a COP26 event to discuss the importance of mobilizing climate finance and investment capital through innovative finance mechanisms, such as climate action-debt swaps and green bonds,needed to ensure that solutions are translated into practice and enhance the adaptive capacity and resilience of the most vulnerable.

Governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico Welcome the Comprehensive Development Plan, Prepared by the UN and Presented by ECLAC, and Commit to Efforts to Move Forward on its Implementation
The Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, officially submitted the proposal addressing the structural causes of migration to high-level authorities from these countries.

ECLAC to Officially Present Comprehensive Development Plan for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and South-Southeast Mexico
In representation of their governments, high authorities from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico will receive the document they requested from the United Nations regional commission to address the structural causes of migration.

Latin America and the Caribbean Has All the Right Conditions to Become a Renewable Energy Hub with Great Potential in Green Hydrogen
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, gave a presentation on a high-level international panel held in the framework of Latin America Energy Week, where she affirmed the urgency of the transition towards renewable energies with full social inclusion.

A Feminist Foreign Policy is Needed to Achieve a Transformative Recovery with Equality in the Region: Alicia Bárcena
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the 2nd Cultural Congress Migrant Women from Mexico and the World, organized by the Mexican Consulate in Houston (United States).