Letter of condolences by Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary, to the President of France, François Hollande.
François Hollande
President of the Republic of France
Esteemed President,
Shocked by the devastating attacks that occurred in Paris on the night of last Friday, November 13, those of us who make up the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) hope that you and, through you, all the citizens of France may receive our condolences and solidarity.
Our thoughts accompany your nation and the families and friends of the 129 fatal victims of diverse nationalities and the 350 people wounded by the criminal horror committed by these cowards. We wish for your prompt recovery and that the justice system quickly account for those responsible for this murderous madness.
We feel the wound inflicted upon France as our own. This aggression hurts the essential foundations of our shared humanity. Today, joined together, we all have been offended, but in light of this ferocious challenge, this blow of terror, we also raise our voice together to say that they will not silence our basic principles. Because we are part of that community that dreams of a future drawn with the colors that were born in your land, and that in the face of dogmatism and death, violence and hate, we insist upon building egalitarian, fraternal and caring societies.
President, at this sad and unjust time, receive our affection and a warm embrace, an expression of the shared pain of Latin Americans and Caribbeans grieving this tragedy.
Alicia Bárcena
Executive Secretary
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