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Guidelines for authors of Notas de Población

The “Notas de Población” journal has open call for proposals throughout the year for its two publications (in June and December). It is coordinated by an Editorial Committee responsible for preparing each publication, supervising all stages to ensure high-quality scientific contributions. This Committee comprises professionals from CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC, as well as specialists from universities in the region. Additionally, it receives support from the Editorial Board, which serves as the journal’s advisory committee during the articles evaluation process.

General information

Notas de Población publishes original and unprecedented articles on population studies, adopting a multidisciplinary approach that extends beyond demography, including the relationships between demographic dynamics, economic and social phenomena, development, human rights and environmental sustainability. While the primary focus is on Latin American and Caribbean countries, occasional contributions from other regions of the world are also included. The journal is published in both print and electronic formats on the ECLAC portal.

Articles should be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. However, materials in other languages may also be accepted. If requested by the authors and authorized by ECLAC Editorial Services, papers in English and Portuguese may be published in their original language. Otherwise, they will be translated into Spanish by ECLAC services for publication. Each issue of the journal will include a maximum of three articles in languages other than Spanish.

Each article must include the following:

  • Title.
  • Details of the author(s), including full name, academic qualifications, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and other relevant information, such as the title of the research project with which the article is associated, if applicable.
  • Five key words.
  • An abstract of 160 words maximum, summarizing its main purposes and conclusions.
  • The text in an electronic Word file not to exceed 10,000 words (including tables, boxes, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, notes and bibliography).
  • A bibliography, prepared in accordance with the editorial rules applicable to the journal.
  • A concise and clear declaration stating that the article is original, has not been published before and is not currently being reviewed by any other print or electronic publication.
  • Graphic material files as enclosed detail.

Articles should be sent by e-mail to:

Review and evaluation process

Each Notas de Población publication includes a maximum of ten articles. Papers are received throughout the year and reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which verify compliance with the journal’s basic editorial standards, thematic relevance and proper structuring of the work as a scientific article.

Articles that pass this first stage are then submitted to the arbitration of two external evaluators through the double-blind review system. The evaluator’s portfolio comprises an extensive group of specialists covering population studies and demography.

The evaluators will consider the topic’s pertinence, relevance and novelty in line with the journal's orientation. They will also assess the article’s originality and conceptual or methodological contribution to population studies. Additionally, they will analyze whether the work is well-structured, including clear presentation of data, methodology, objectives, and hypotheses. They will evaluate the illustrative clarity of tables, boxes, graphs, maps, and diagrams, as well as the accuracy of references and coherence between study objectives and results.

The evaluators will make one of the following recommendations:

  • publication with minor changes;
  • publication with major changes;
  • rejection of the article.

If the evaluators determine that the article should be published with changes, they will provide a list the alterations they deem necessary to improve the article. The author will be notified accordingly. If the author accepts the suggested changes, the final version must be submitted by the deadline specified by the Editorial Committee.

In cases where there are differing opinions among evaluators, the Editorial Committee of the journal will invite a third reviewer to provide additional input. Decisions regarding articles rejected by the evaluators are considered final.

Upon receipt, articles are promptly sent for evaluation. Approved articles are assigned to the issue currently in preparation, while those not included may be considered for the next publication. In such cases, authors should follow the instructions provided by the Editorial Committee.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to address any situations that may arise with authors and to make stylistic and formatting modifications to the text, title, tables, boxes, and graphic elements to meet the journal’s editorial requirements

Editorial policy

Authors agree not to submit the material to any other journal for three months after receiving the article. During this period, they will receive a confirmation or rejection regarding the publication of the article.

If the article is accepted with changes, authors commit to meeting the deadlines for revisions and implementing the suggested modifications. This ensures that the editing and publication schedule of the journal remains on track.

Editorial standards (more details in the attached document)

  • Format: The text should be sent in an electronic Word file. Avoid any mention of colors used in figures and maps, because the printing of the document will always be in black and white, although the online file will contain the colors. The text of articles should not exceed 10,000 words (including tables, boxes, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, notes and bibliography).
  • Tables: Create them in the Word file, as editable content, placing them appropriately within the text. Avoid complex diagramming tables.
  • Figures: Insert the graphics into the Word file as images, placing them appropriately within the text. Additionally, attach an Excel file containing all the editable charts in the same order as they appear in the text. In the Excel file, each graph should occupy a separate sheet, with the graph number indicated on the tab. If the programs used to generate the graphics do not export to Excel, you may deliver the file in PDF (preferably editable), EPS, or Illustrator (.ai) format. However, prioritize Excel as your first choice. Ensure that the graphics include the relevant unit of measurement.
  • Diagrams: Create the diagrams in the Word file, as editable content, placing them appropriately within the text, or alternatively, consider using a PowerPoint file (editable) and include it in the submission. If neither of these options is feasible, submit each diagram as a separate file in PDF format (preferably editable), EPS, or Illustrator (.ai).
  • Maps: Insert the maps in the Word file as an image, placing them appropriately within the text. Additionally, attach them as an editable file with eps, pdf or Illustrator (ai) extensions. If the above is not possible, deliver each map as a high resolution JPG file (300 ppi at the final print size). If the maps are made with color coding, include the corresponding legend.
  • References to tables, boxes and graphic elements: Each element must be referenced at least once in the text. Additionally, ensure that they include the title, source, and relevant unit of measurement for the data presented, if applicable.
  • Mathematical formulas: It is recommended that mathematical formulas be numbered using Arabic numerals in parentheses and aligned to the right.
  • Explanatory notes: All notes should be inserted at the foot of the page and numbered consecutively.
  • Bibliographical references: Each bibliographical reference mentioned in the text must include the author’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses.
  • Bibliography: The bibliography should appear at the end of the text in alphabetical order by the author’s last name, followed by the first name, the year of publication in parentheses, the complete title, the city of publication, and the publisher. Avoid using the citation format of Word. You will find examples in the enclosed document.