The rights of children of African descent in Latin America and the Caribbean

Publication Type:

Challenges Newsletter


Within the framework of the International Decade of People of African Descent, which runs between 2015 and 2024, this edition of the CHALLENGES newsletter focuses for the first time on the rights of children of African descent in the region. In Latin American and Caribbean countries, people of African descent are at a disadvantage because of historical structural inequality and multiple forms of discrimination.

The main article presents the situation of Afrodescendent children and some specific elements in the field of health and education, as well as challenges for the future. We can hear the voice of Afro-Colombian and Afro-Peruvian children and learn about the Black Lives campaign in Brazil. Experience in a school in the Dominican Republic, the use of capoeira as a means to combat racism and a didactic guide used in Uruguayan schools are also collected. In the Points of View section we have a specialist who presents the situation of Afro-Colombian children. Finally, several publications are disseminated that show the situation of children of African descent.



Editorial commitee:

Economic Commission for Latin America

and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNICEF LACRO)

Editorial Committee


Laís Abramo, Jorge Rodríguez, Daniela Trucco


Mónica Rubio, Gerardo Escaroz, Yohana Pinzón

General coordination:

Daniela Trucco, Daniela Huneeus


Laís Abramo, Marta Rangel, Claudia Robles, Susana Guzmán, Gladys Hauck, Dora Inés Vivanco, Vivian Milosavljevic


Number 22, September 2019

ISSN electronic version 1816-7551

© United Nations, September 2019

All rights reserved


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