The expansion of non-contributory pension systems in the region has been one of the major milestones in the development of social protection architecture in a context of high levels of informal labour, rapid population ageing, and significant gaps and inequalities, including gender inequalities. Non-contributory pension systems have expanded substantially in the twenty-first century, approaching a coverage rate of 3 in 10 persons aged 65 years and over in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2022.
Establishing non-contributory pension systems and strengthening those that already exist in the countries of the region can decisively contribute to the civilized objective of eradicating poverty in old age, helping to significantly reduce inequalities and to ensure protected levels of income during this phase of life.
This publication proposes a collective approach to addressing the risks associated with old age, one that focuses on building revitalized architecture for well-being to advance towards universal coverage centred on sustainability and solidarity. The achievement of sustainable non-contributory pension systems is foundational to the pursuit of solidarity and the full exercise of rights in old age.