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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 43 results in 3 pages.
Publication cover
February 2024 |
  • Servières, Laurie
  • Maldonado Valera, Carlos
  • Gilbert, Randolph

Ti dokiman sa a prezante yon rezime sou leson ki nan fòmasyon adistans “Pwoteksyon ak pwomosyon sosyal” la. Se Komisyon Ekonomik pou Amerik Latin...

Publication cover
January 2023 |

The Santiago Commitment was adopted at the fourteenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by...

Publication cover
October 2022 |

In a regional and international context of weak growth, high inflation and growing inequality, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean...

Publication cover
August 2022

Ensuring that public management is guided by a rights-based approach and resolving the fragmentation of the social institutional framework —as...

Publication cover
October 2022

This document presents an estimate of the cost of three mechanisms proposed in the National Policy on Social Protection and Promotion (PNPPS) of...

Publication cover
October 2021

This toolkit aims to facilitate the assessment of the multiple dimensions of social inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to provide...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
October 2020 |
  • Tromben, Varinia
  • Cecchini, Simone
  • Gilbert, Randolph

This document presents costings for the cash transfers proposed as part of the National Policy on Social Protection and Promotion (Politique...

Publication cover
October 2018 |
  • Cecchini, Simone
  • Atuesta, Bernardo
  • Morales, Beatriz

Dans l’Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes un grand nombre de programmes sociaux ont été mis en oeuvre afin de réduire la pauvreté et combler les...

Publication cover
July 2018

La protection sociale est apparue durant ces dernières années comme un axe à partir duquel il est prévu d’intégrer une série de mesures visant à...

Publication cover
May 2018 |

Consistently with the emphasis that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has placed on equality since 2010, and in...

Publication cover
November 2014 |
  • Lamaute-Brisson, Nathalie
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Social

Este documento presenta el perfil sociodemográfico de la infancia y adolescencia en Haití y los principales desafíos a los que se enfrentan,...

Publication cover
January 2013 |
  • Lamaute-Brisson, Nathalie
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Social
Alemania. Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo

This report is part of a series of national case studies aimed at disseminating knowledge on the current status of social protection systems in...

Publication cover
August 2012 |

In today's complex and changing global context, the Latin American and Caribbean region must persevere, more than ever, in three directions:...

Publication cover
March 2012 |
  • Lamaute-Brisson, Nathalie
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
NU. CEPAL. División de Asuntos de Género

Dans l’objectif de construire une batterie d’indicateurs relatifs à l’égalité de genre pour Haïti, la présente étude établit un diagnostic des...

Publication cover
June 2010 |
  • Paddison, Oliver

Ces dernières années, les questions de protection sociale, surtoutcelles liées aux systèmes de pensions, ont gagné en importance dansl'agenda...

Publication cover
June 2010 |

The document What kind of State? What kind of equality? analyses the progress of gender equality in the region 15 years after the approval of the...

Publication cover
June 2010 |

The document What kind of State? What kind of equality? analyses the progress of gender equality in the region 15 years after the approval of the...