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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 16 of 16 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Robles, Adriana

El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el gradiente educativo de la disolución conyugal
de la primera unión de las mujeres en el Ecuador....

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Bonilla-Bolaños, Andrea
  • Villacreses, Diego

This study proposes using optimum currency areas (OCA) as a theoretical basis for analysis of the full dollarization of Ecuador, viewing the...

Publication cover
September 2022 |
  • Robles, Adriana

Los datos indican que la homogamia educativa aumenta cuanto mayor es la
desigualdad económica. Una mayor desigualdad podría incrementar la...

Publication cover
August 2022 |
  • Arboleda, Xavier
  • Bermúdez-Barrezueta, Natalia
  • Camino-Mogro, Segundo

This article analyses the key determinants of enterprise profitability in Ecuador’s crop-growing sector in 2007–2017. It presents data showing...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Castillo, José Gabriel
  • Zhangallimbay, Donald

The standard social discount rate of 12% applied by planning institutions and multilateral agencies when evaluating public projects is a constant...

Publication cover
August 2020 |
  • Ramírez-Álvarez, José
  • Carrillo Maldonado, Paul

This paper outlines a methodology to measure the efficiency of revenue collection by tax administrations. The proposed methodology is aimed in...

Publication cover
July 2020 |
  • Salinas Castro, Victoria
  • Rodríguez Wong, Laura

Siendo el Ecuador un Estado intercultural y plurinacional, este estudio busca reconocer
la situación histórica de la fecundidad de las...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Pontarollo, Nicola
  • Mendieta, Rodrigo
  • Ontaneda, Diego

This paper identifies the determinants of per capita gross value added (GVA) growth in Ecuador during the 2007–2015 period, using a spatial...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Cano, Liliana

This paper uses data from individual income tax returns to explore the redistributive effect of personal income tax in Ecuador between 2007 and...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Vega Núñez, Adriana Patricia

The study analyses the transitions between the formal and informal labour markets using longitudinal data for Ecuador. First, we use transition...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Deere, Carmen Diana
  • Catanzarite, Zachary B.

This article examines the propositions that wealth inequality supports credit market segmentation and that the financial system may reproduce...

Publication cover
June 2017 |
  • Phélan C., Luis Mauricio
  • Arias, Francisco Alexander
  • Guillén García, Alejandro

El objetivo de este artículo consiste en presentar un estudio sobre la percepción del
buen vivir en el cantón de Cuenca, Azuay, en el...

Publication cover
April 2017 |
  • Vasco, Cristian
  • Tamayo, Grace Natalie

This article analyses the determinants of both participation in non-farm employment and nonfarm earnings in Ecuador. Using the Dubin-McFadden two-...

Publication cover
April 2017 |
  • Paredes, Gonzalo J.

Dollarization is a monetary regime that is detrimental to sustained growth and the ability to cope with successive external shocks. Setting out...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Alarcón, Silverio
  • Ordóñez, Jessica

Drawing on data from a survey of returning migrants, this study examines the factors behind the decision to launch a business in Loja, Ecuador....

Publication cover
April 1994 |
  • Jácome Hidalgo, Luis

Desde septiembre de 1992 está en vigencia en Ecuador un nuevo programa de estabilización.
Aquí se examina la naturaleza de esta política...