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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 16 of 16 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
June 2023 |
  • Moreira, Uallace

Este trabalho é composto de duas partes. Esta segunda parte analisa a evolução do mercado de fabricantes de equipamentos de telecomunicações na...

Publication cover
August 2022 |
  • Paus, Eva
  • Robinson, Michael

Latin American economies need higher productivity to escape from the middle-income trap. This article analyses the drivers of innovation at the...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Afonso, Damares Lopes
  • Bastos, Suzana Quinet de Andrade
  • Perobelli, Fernando Salgueiro

This article seeks to contribute to the debate on China-Latin America relations. It considers whether the trade relations that exist between China...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Chang, Ha-Joon

This paper explains how a “New” New International Economic Order (NNIEO) may
be emerging from the slowly crumbling neoliberal international...

Publication cover
December 2018 |
  • da Rocha, Felipe Freitas
  • Bielschowsky, Ricardo

This article describes and analyses China’s pursuit of natural resources in Latin America, particularly oil, iron, copper and soybeans, which...

Publication cover
December 2018 |
  • Silva, Gercione Dionizio
  • Gomes, Marília Fernandes Maciel
  • Teixeira, Evandro Camargos

China’s rising share of South American trade since 2001 has made that country’s growth a matter of huge importance for the continent’s economies....

Publication cover
April 2018 |
  • Amarante, Verónica
  • Colacce, Maira

This article presents a multi-perspective discussion of trends in income inequality. Recent evidence from many sources shows that global income...

Publication cover
August 2015 |
  • Perrotti, Daniel E.

The role of the People’s Republic of China in the world economy has grown substantially in recent decades, turning it into a strategic foreign...

Publication cover
December 2014 |
  • López A., Jorge Alberto
  • Rodil M., Óscar
  • Valdez G., Saúl

China has become a major player in world trade. Although it has not signed any trade agreements with the countries of the North American Free...

Publication cover
August 2013 |
  • Dussel Peters, Enrique
  • Gallagher, Kevin P.

This paper examines the extent to which China's entry into the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in 2001 and subsequent surge in global...

Publication cover
April 2011 |
  • Jenkins, Rhys Owen

Entre los años 2002 y 2008, el auge de los precios de losproductos básicos hizo que aumentaran notablemente los ingresosderivados de las...

Publication cover
April 2011 |
  • Jenkins, Rhys Owen

The commodity boom between 2002 and 2008 played an importantrole in increasing export earnings from Latin America. Growing demandfrom China for...

Publication cover
December 2009 |
  • Palma E., Macarena
  • Alvarez E., Roberto
  • Figueroa B., Eugenio
  • Figueroa Z., María Pía

This paper studies the determinants of manufacturing exports toChina. Data from 79 countries for the 1990-2006 period and estimatesof gravity...

Publication cover
August 2009 |
  • Palma E., Macarena
  • Alvarez E., Roberto
  • Figueroa B., Eugenio
  • Figueroa Z., María Pía

En este trabajo se estudian los factores determinantes de lasexportaciones de manufacturas a China. Utilizando datos de 79 paísescorrespondientes...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Kuwayama, Mikio

Among the East and Southeast Asian economies often regarded as the most successful showcases, the People's Republic of China (PRC); occupies...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Cong, Li

En este artículo, escrito especialmente para la Revista de la CEPAL, se analizan los antecedentes y las perspectivas de la reforma económica de...