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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
October 2019 |

Gender equality is one of the most important elements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that guide the work of all the institutions of...

Publication cover
October 2019 |
  • Casas, Marina
  • Lara, Cindy
  • Espinosa, Carlos

This FAL Bulletin analyses the mobility and gender policies being implemented in a group of Latin American cities, and highlights the gender...

Publication cover
August 2019 |
  • Stein, Ernesto H.
  • Wagner, Rodrigo A.

Venture capital (VC) contributes to the financing of high-growth companies. In Latin America and the Caribbean, this capital is lower than in...

Publication cover
August 2019 |
  • Dip, Juan Antonio
  • Gamboa, Luis Fernando

This study applies a propensity score matching model to quantify the significance of preschool education in short- and medium-term academic...

Publication cover
July 2019 |
  • San Juan Bernuy, Victoria
  • Esteve Palós, Albert

Este estudio analiza el mercado matrimonial y la homogamia educativa en parejas
jóvenes procedentes de 12 países de América Latina, a fin de...

Publication cover
July 2019 |
  • Carrasco, Ignacio
  • Suárez, José Ignacio

En este artículo se exploran los perfiles sociodemográficos y las brechas de inclusión
de las personas migrantes según su origen y tiempo de...

Publication cover
July 2019 |
  • Stang Alva, María Fernanda

Este trabajo es descriptivo y se propone presentar un panorama de la medición de la
diversidad sexual y de género en censos y encuestas...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Sunkel, Guillermo
  • Ullmann, Heidi

In recent decades, countries across Latin America have entered a stage of sustained population ageing. In parallel, changes associated with the...

Publication cover
February 2019 |
  • Chauvet, Pablo
  • Baptiste, Albertone

This issue analyses data on investments in Latin American road infrastructure between 2007 and 2015, examines the subsector’s evolution and...