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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
August 2022 |
  • Marquez, Marco

Economic growth is produced by stimuli arising from supply and demand. On the supply side, growth depends on the accumulation of factors and their...

Publication cover
April 2022 |
  • Bielschowsky, Ricardo
  • del Castillo, Miguel
  • Squeff, Gabriel Coelho
  • Orozco, Roberto
  • Beteta, Hugo E.

The purpose of this study is to contribute to the discussion on the viability and potential impact of substantially increasing the pay of the...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Loría, Eduardo
  • Rojas, Susana
  • Martínez, Eduardo

The sensitivity of unemployment to economic activity in the Mexican States (from the beginning of 2004 to the first half of 2018) was evaluated on...

Publication cover
April 2021 |
  • Guillén, Arturo

La pandemia provocada por el coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave de tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2) es un hecho que marcará un antes y un...

Publication cover
April 2020 |
  • Vaca, Jesús
  • Vaca Medina, Gustavo
  • Mora Pérez, César Omar

Following on from recent literature on the same subject, this paper analyses the impact of public debt on economic growth in Mexico between 1994...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Cuevas, Víctor M.
  • Calderón Villarreal, Cuauhtémoc

This paper employs a vector error correction methodology to investigate the long-term determinants of consumer goods inflation and industrial...

Publication cover
July 2019 |
  • Huffman, Curtis
  • Villagómez-Ornelas, Paloma
  • Vargas Chanes, Delfino

Aun cuando es bien sabido que el tamaño de los hogares y las características de
sus integrantes determinan los recursos financieros de los...

Publication cover
July 2019 |
  • Mejía Guevara, Iván
  • Rivero, Estela
  • Nava, Isalia

México está experimentando un acelerado proceso de transición demográfica y se
espera una dinámica de envejecimiento permanente, que...

Publication cover
December 2018 |
  • Islas C., Alejandro
  • Cortez, Willy Walter

A key aspect of developing countries is the existence of a large informal sector. In the present paper, we analyse the effect of this feature on...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Rozo, Carlos A.
  • Maldonado, Norma

National strategies aimed at boosting economic growth following the global financial crisis have spawned monetary imbalances between industrial...

Publication cover
June 2012 |
  • Ros, Jaime
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

Canadá y México, los dos socios menores del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN), presentan niveles de desarrollo económico muy...