This FAL Bulletin sets out some of the characteristics of public investments in infrastructure through public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms...
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This FAL Bulletin concerns the work carried out by the Infrastructure Services Unit in the implementation of projects funded by the United Nations...
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes the importance of implementing equitable and effective measures to tackle the pressing...
El documento aborda la situación laboral en la Argentina durante 2023 y la primera mitad de 2024 por sectores de actividad, tipo de inserción...
En esta edición del Panorama Social de América Latina y el Caribe, 2024 se abordan los desafíos de la protección social no contributiva para...
Desde hace más de cuatro décadas, el CELADE-División de Población de la CEPAL ofrece cursosespecializados para el procesamiento y análisis de...
Gender-based violence against women and girls and its most extreme manifestation —femicides, feminicides or gender-related killings of women and...
Para que América Latina y el Caribe salga de la trampa de bajo crecimiento y baja productividad en la que se encuentra es necesario sofisticar,...
This FAL Bulletin analyses the efficiency and effectiveness of infrastructure investments to promote better outcomes and facilitate the closing of...
América Latina y el Caribe es una región retenida en tres trampas de desarrollo: baja capacidad para crecer, elevada desigualdad y baja movilidad...
The publication "ECLAC Statistical Briefings," in its 14th edition, addresses opportunities and challenges in constructing climate...
The main purpose of this issue is to describe the current status of subnational accounts in Latin America and the Caribbean, to detail the...
El Boletín de Comercio Exterior del MERCOSUR analiza la dinámica comercial del Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR), combinando las perspectivas...
The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean face structural challenges related to the region’s pattern of productive and trade specialization...
As a region, Latin America is characterized by high levels of inequality, reflected in both concentration of income and wealth and in large gaps...
Shipping transports around 80% of global trade in goods by volume, and 70% by value (ECLAC, 2023). Global supply chains suffered unprecedented...
This study presents a review of disaster-related statistics and indicators. It includes global frameworks and some of the main standardized and...
In recent years, cascading crises, including the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, have highlighted the unjust social organization of care...
This FAL Bulletin presents opportunities for physical river integration in South America that could mark an important step in the design of a...
This FAL Bulletin examines the key trends in transport costs for imports into the United States from the Caribbean, Latin America and other...