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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 2471 results in 124 pages.
Publication cover
September 2024

This paper, prepared jointly by the five regional commissions of the United Nations, explores the social and economic challenges and opportunities...

Publication cover
September 2024

This paper, prepared jointly by the five regional commissions of the United Nations, explores the social and economic challenges and opportunities...

Publication cover
August 2024

The expansion of non-contributory pension systems in the region has been one of the major milestones in the development of social protection...

Publication cover
July 2024 |

La Estrategia de las Naciones Unidas para la Inclusión de la Discapacidad es el resultado de un proceso iniciado por el Secretario General en...

Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Nathan, Mathías

La expansión educativa ha sido el principal impulsor del aplazamiento de la maternidad
en los países industrializados. En el presente...

Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Ribotta, Bruno
  • Peláez, Enrique
  • Acosta, Laura Débora
  • Andreozzi, Lucía
  • González, Leandro
  • Vanoli Faustinelli, Lucas
  • Piancatelli, Malena

En esta investigación, se analiza la natalidad de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina)
durante la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (...

Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Robles, Adriana

El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el gradiente educativo de la disolución conyugal
de la primera unión de las mujeres en el Ecuador....

Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Fernández Moreno, Carlos

Las estructuras familiares enfrentan profundas modificaciones: tras una separación de
pareja con hijos, se establecen nuevas relaciones,...

Publication cover
August 2024

Focusing on early childhood is key to inclusive social development. Despite the progress of recent decades, especially through comprehensive early...

Publication cover
June 2024 |

The Santiago Commitment was adopted at the fourteenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by...

Publication cover
May 2024 |
  • Bernal Lobato, Noelia

El presente documento busca situar el problema de la expansión de la cobertura entre los trabajadores independientes —una población con altos...

Publication cover
May 2024 |
  • Dourado Mapurunga, Francisco Alexandre

O documento examina práticas internacionais de apoio e cuidado a pessoas com deficiência, abrangendo experiências de oito países de diversas...

Publication cover
May 2024 |
  • Delgado, Manuel
  • Figueroa, Nincen
  • Vila, Juan

En este documento se examinan el estado actual y los desafíos del sistema de pensiones en la República Dominicana, centrándose en la...

Publication cover
April 2024 |

In this accessible version of the Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean addresses the challenges of labour inclusion as a key axis...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Huenchuan, Sandra
  • Del Castillo Negrete, Miguel

In this book, those who search for an equitable and sustainable future will find a valuable collection of methodological proposals, case analyses...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Huenchuan, Sandra
  • Del Castillo Negrete, Miguel

In this book, those who search for an equitable and sustainable future will find a valuable collection of methodological proposals, case analyses...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Welle, Arthur
  • Matos de Oliveira, Ana Luiza

The objective of this article is to understand the class, race and gender profile of persons who would be most affected if the Brazilian State...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Galdámez, Catalina
  • Morales López, Rodrigo Alfonso

This work analyses the effects of wage earners’ income tax on vertical equity and income distribution in El Salvador, by assessing the two most...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Acosta, Karina
  • Taboada-Arango, Bibiana
  • Otero-Cortés, Andrea
  • Bonet-Morón, Jaime

Social protection programmes have become an effective and indispensable tool for improving the living standards of the poor and vulnerable. This...
