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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
January 2023 |
  • Gutiérrez, Andrés
  • Mancero, Xavier
  • Nieto, Gabriel
  • Molina, Felipe
  • Lemus, Diego

Existe un creciente interés por contar con estadísticas sobre diversos grupos de la población con un alto nivel de desagregación geográfica, que...

Publication cover
February 2022 |
  • Castillo, Juan Carlos
  • Espinoza, Vicente
  • Barozet, Emmanuelle

En momentos de crisis e incertidumbre, la cohesión social —ese “cemento” invisible que une a las sociedades y se relaciona con un sentido de...

Publication cover
August 2020 |
  • Montero, Rodrigo
  • Miranda, Álvaro

This article puts forward evidence to identify the different domains that contribute to life satisfaction among a sample of Chilean workers, using...

Publication cover
December 2018 |
  • Pérez Ahumada, Pablo

According to recent research studies, a central characteristic of Chilean society is its mesocratization, in other words the sustained growth of...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Bitrán, Eduardo
  • Duarte, Fabián
  • Fernandes, Dalila
  • Villena, Marcelo

In 2012, a Guaranteed Health Plan for the private health system was submitted to the Chilean National Congress, with the aim of offering a...

Publication cover
April 2017 |
  • Tomaselli, Andrés

En este documento se caracteriza la participación laboral de distintos grupos poblacionales en Chile mediante la revisión de literatura...