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Report of the first regional seminar on social development. Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: The prolonged crisis as an opportunity for restructuring

December 2022|
Publication cover

Report of the first regional seminar on social development. Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: The prolonged crisis as an opportunity for restructuring

Compilador Esper, Tomás - Huepe, Mariana - Palma, Amalia Physical Description: 41 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2022 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2022/18


This document contains the report of the first regional seminar on social development, entitled “Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: the prolonged crisis as an opportunity for restructuring”, organized by ECLAC on 13–15 October 2021.
This seminar would not have been possible without the support of the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (OREALC/UNESCO), the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) at UNESCO Buenos Aires and the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Table of contents

Resumen .-- Antecedentes .-- Palabras inaugurales / Alicia Bárcena .-- Panel I: Oportunidades de reconstruir sistemas educativos más inclusivos y resilientes .-- Panel II: Adolescentes y jóvenes durante la pandemia - una secundaria inclusiva .-- Panel III: Agenda de recuperación educativa frente a la pandemia .-- Panel IV: Habilidades y competencias necesarias en un contexto cambiante .-- Panel V: Educación, protección social integral y pandemia .-- Palabras de cierre: articulación de las políticas educativas con las otras políticas sociales y la oportunidad de repensar la educación.