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Current understanding of the potential impact of Carbon Dioxide Removal approaches on the Sustainable Development Goals in selected countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Summary for policy makers

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Current understanding of the potential impact of Carbon Dioxide Removal approaches on the Sustainable Development Goals in selected countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Summary for policy makers

Author: Samaniego, Joseluis - Schmidt, Kai-Uwe - Carlino, Hernán - Caratori, Luciano - Carlino, Micaela - Gogorza, Agustín - Rodríguez Vagaría, Alfonso - Vázquez Amábile, Gabriel Physical Description: 18 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: July 2021 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2021/82


This report responds to a request made in late 2020 by the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to the Torcuato Di Tella Foundation. CDR approaches were considered, after C2G categorization and IPCC definitions. The report synthesizes the best understandings of potential implications of the adoption of nature-based and technical options for carbon dioxide removal, aiming to complement direct emissions reductions. The findings are based on the assessment of the available scientific, technical and socio-economic literature and the economic, social and environmental implications of the implementation of CDR technological options. The implications are to be examined against the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the contribution to climate mitigation that the implementation may have in Argentina and Colombia, and, in general terms, in Latin America and the Caribbean.