Confronting inequality: Social protection for families and early childhood through monetary transfers and care worldwide

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Confronting inequality: Social protection for families and early childhood through monetary transfers and care worldwide

  • Author:


    Filgueira, Fernando -
    Rossel, Cecilia -

  • Physical Description: 90 páginas.
  • Publisher: ECLAC
  • UN Symbol (Signature): LC/TS.2017/139
  • Date: December 30, 2017

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This paper analyzes social protection policies for families and early childhood focusing on three main policies: family allowances and other types of monetary transfers for families with children, work leaves and early childhood education and care (ECEC) policies worldwide. It analyzes the design and reform of policies which protect families with children and early childhood comparing Latin America with other regions in the world. This analysis not only includes the basic description of these policies and its main features worldwide and across regions, but also pays attention to how these policies increase intergenerational and intra-generational equality as well as sustainability, efficacy and efficiency.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • I. Family and early childhood social protection systems through monetary transfers and care: historical origins and development
  • II. The wide variety of social protection systems for families and the early childhood
  • III. Demographic stages, economic development and early childhood social protection systems
  • IV. National transfer accounts and fiscal commitment to early childhood support: drawing conceptual and analytical links
  • V. A comparative outlook of family and early childhood social protection systems models between and within regions
  • VI. Achieving equality through social protection for families and early childhood: challenges and options for developing countries.