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Challenges to the autonomy and interdependent rights of older persons

Publication cover

Challenges to the autonomy and interdependent rights of older persons

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 162 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: October 2017 ECLAC symbol: LC/CRE.4/3


Rapid population ageing in Latin America and the Caribbean brings multiple challenges and requires action to ensure the fair distribution of resources to meet the needs of all age groups in society. It also requires a change in attitudes, policies and practices to improve older persons’ quality of life. In this regard, the effective inclusion of older persons has to do with equitable access to different services and social and economic benefits, as well as the guarantee of their human rights.

Table of contents

Foreword .-- Chapter I. Population ageing and the status of older persons in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- Chapter II. Human rights in the context of ageing and the need for enhanced protection of older persons in the framework of the United Nations .-- Chapter III. The value and importance of the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons .-- Chapter IV. Emerging issues for the protection of the rights of older persons .-- Chapter V. The human rights of older persons: unsolved problems and unmet commitments .-- Chapter VI. From lessons learned to strengthening institutions and public policies.

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