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Towards a demand model for maritime passenger transportation in the Caribbean: a regional study of passenger ferry services

Publication cover

Towards a demand model for maritime passenger transportation in the Caribbean: a regional study of passenger ferry services

Author: Bello, Omar - Phillips, Willard - Indar, Delena Physical Description: 35 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean Date: January 2016 ECLAC symbol: LC/CAR/L.477


In this paper, the main factors that influence the demand for maritime passenger transportation in the Caribbean were studied. While maritime studies in the Caribbean have focused on infrastructural and operational systems for intensifying trade and movement of goods, there is little information on the movement of persons within the region and its potential to encourage further integration and sustainable development. Data to inform studies and policies in this area are particularly difficult to source. For this study, an unbalanced data set for the 2000-2014 period in 15 destinations with a focus on departing ferry passengers was compiled. Further a demand equation for maritime passenger transportation in the Caribbean using panel data methods was estimated. The results showed that this demand is related to the real fare of the service, international economic activity and the number of passengers arriving in the country by air.

Table of contents

Abstract .-- Introduction .-- I. Review of maritime transportation literature .-- II. The database .-- III. Model and estimates
.-- IV. Conclusion.