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América Latina y el Caribe: el envejecimiento de la población, 1950-2050 = Latin America and the Caribbean: population ageing, 1950-2050

Publication cover

América Latina y el Caribe: el envejecimiento de la población, 1950-2050 = Latin America and the Caribbean: population ageing, 1950-2050

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. CELADE Physical Description: 330 páginas. Editorial: CELADE Date: July 2003 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2211-P


This Bulletin presents the situation and trends of the
general demographic indicators and those specifically linked to ageing are based on the estimates and
projections of national population, population by area of residence and the economically active
population prepared by the Population Division of ECLAC-Latin American and Caribbean Demographic
Centre (CELADE), with the collaboration of competent national bodies.

Table of contents

Part A. Comparative demographic indicators for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1950-2050.-- Part B. Indicators of population ageing ; 1. Latin America and the Caribbean : Total population ageing. 1950–2050.-- 2. Latin America: Urban population ageing. 1970-2025.-- 3. Latin America: Rural population ageing, 1970-2025.-- 4. Latin America: Ageing of the economically active population. 1980-2020