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Climate Change in Central America: Potential Impacts and Public Policy Options

Publication cover

Climate Change in Central America: Potential Impacts and Public Policy Options

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México Physical Description: 176 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: August 2018 ECLAC symbol: LC/MEX/L.1196/Rev.1


Since 2008 we have supported the collaborative initiative "Economics of Climate Change in Central America" aimed at demonstrating the impacts of climate variability and change and fostering a discussion on public policies in key sectors. The initiative has been led by the Ministries of Environment and Treasury or Finance of Central America, with the support of their ministerial councils, CCAD, COSEFIN, and Economic Integration Secretariat, SIECA. The Ministries of Agriculture and of Health, with their councils, CAC and COMISCA, have also joined the effort; and the Dominican Republic came on board in 2015.