The European Commission (EC) recently tabled a Green Paper on the future relations
between the European Union (EU) and the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs). The
document is intended to spark a broad public debate on the opportunity of replacing the current
Overseas Association Decision (OAD) of 2001 with an “innovative partnership” for the
territories when the present agreement expires on 31 December 2013. The Commission will
hold an online consultation covering the issue from 1 July to 17 October 2008. This remains
without prejudice to a possible revision of the OAD before the end of 2011, in accordance with
its article 62. The need for the launch of the debate arose out of the recognition that the current
OCT-EU association is based on an outdated development cooperation logic, whereas the OCTs
potential and the challenges they are facing would require an approach that focuses on the
strengthening of their competitiveness, the facilitation of regional integration and the reduction
of the impact of the factors that contribute to their vulnerability.