CEPAL Review no.41

| Publication

CEPAL Review no.41

- Physical description: 214 páginas.
- Publisher: ECLAC
- UN symbol (Signature): LC/G.1631-P
- Date: August 1, 1990

Table of contents

  • Twenty-third session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Discourse: Executive Secretary of ECLAC / Gert Rosenthal. -- President of Venezuela / Carlos Andrés Pérez. / Minister of the Economy of Chile / Carlos Ominami. -- Minister of Planning and the Budget of Mexico / Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León. 1-- Director of Latin American Relations of the Commission of the European Communities / Angel Viñas. -- Mexico’s stabilization policy /Jorge Eduardo Navarrete. -- A pragmatic approach to State intervention: the brazilian case / Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira. -- Sustained development for the Caribbean / Trevor Marker. -- Latin America’s place in world trade / Mattia Barbera. -- Components of an effective environmental policy / Maria Inés Bustamante, Santiago Torres. -- Natural heritage accounts and sustainable development / Nicolo Gligo. -- The magnitude of poverty in Latin America / Juan Carlos Feres, Arturo León. -- The complexity of evaluating social development / Rubén Kaztman, Pascual Gerstenfeld. -- Nature and selectiveness of social policy / Ana Sojo. -- Econometric models for planning / Eduardo Garcia D'Acuña. -- Selection of dynamic comparative advantages / Eduardo Garcia D'Acuña.