CEPAL Review no.47
CEPAL Review no.47
Table of contents
Education and changing production patterns with social equity / Fernando Fajnzylber. -- The empty box syndrome / Pitou van Dijck. -- Consolidating democracy and development in Chile / Osvaldo Sunkel. -- Development pattern and environment in Brazil / Roberto P. Guimarães. -- Integration today: bases and options / Eugenio Lahera. -- Globalization and convergence: Latin America in a changing world / José Miguel Benavente and Peter J. West. -- The world agricultural outlook in the 1990s / Giovanni Di Girolamo. -- Evolution of the rural dimension in Latin America and the Caribbean / Emiliano Ortega. -- The potential of Mexican agriculture and options for the future / Julio López. -- The privatization of the Argentine telephone system / Alejandra Herrera. -- Rationalizing social policy: evaluation and viability / Ernesto Cohen and Rolando Franco. -- The political economy of the developmentalist State in Brazil / José Luis Fiori.