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CEPAL Review no.52

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CEPAL Review no.52

Physical Description: 213 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: April 1994 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.1824-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9213213999

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Table of contents

Income distribution and poverty through crisis and adjustment / Oscar Altimir. -- New directions for public management / Eugenio Lahera. -- The petrochemical and machine tool industries: business strategies / Daniel Chudnovsky, Andrés López and Fernando Porta. -- Productivity, growth and industrial exports in Brazil / Regis Bonelli. -- Export processing in the Caribbean: the Jamaican experience / Larry Willmore. -- Price elasticity of Central Am erican agricultural exports / Alberto Gabriele. -- Ecuador: the country’s progress from chronic to moderate inflation / Luis I. Jácome Hidalgo. -- New strategies of transnational corporations in Argentina / Bernardo Kosacoff and Gabriel Bezchinsky. -- The informal sector and poverty in Latin America / Guillermo Rosenbluth. -- Regionalization processes: past crises and current options / Sergio Boisier. -- A cultural view of the ECLAC proposals / Fernando Calderón, Martín Hopenhayn and Ernesto Ottone. -- ECLAC and neoliberalism: An interview with Fernando Fajnzylber.