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CEPAL Review no.54

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CEPAL Review no.54

Physical Description: 182 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 1994 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.1845-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9213214057

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Table of contents

Health care m arkets: their m orphology, behaviour and regulation / Jorge Katz and Ernesto Miranda. -- Liberalization or financial development? / Gunther Held. -- Fiscal adjustment and social spending / Rossella Cominetti. -- Women ’s formal education: achievements and obstacles / Diane Alméras. -- Labour market flexibility: what does it really mean? / Ricardo A. Lagos. -- The modernization of bank supervision / Christian Larrain. -- Central American integration: its costs and benefits / Luis Cáceres. -- Some lessons of the Argentine privatization process / Daniel Azpiazu and Adolfo Vispo. -- Extraordinary comparative advantage and long-run growth: the case of Ecuador / André A. Hofman and Rudolf Buitelaar. -- The cultural industry and new codes of modernity / Martin Hopenhayn.