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CEPAL Review no.75

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CEPAL Review no.75

Physical Description: 232 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2001 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2150-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211213363

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This issue of CEPAL Review includes a special section to commemorate Raúl Prebisch in the centennial of his birthday, containing a selection of articles prepared by renowned social scientists involved with Latin American development thinking.

Table of contents

TRIBUTE TO RAÚL PREBISCH. Foreword / Oscar Altimir. -- Raúl Prebisch on ECLAC’s achievements and deficiencies: an unpublished interview / David Pollock, Daniel Kerner and Joseph Love. -- Raúl Prebisch and the development agenda at the dawn of the twenty-first century / José Antonio Ocampo. -- Prebisch: the continuing validity of his basic ideas / Octavio Rodríguez. -- The return of “vulnerability” and Raul Prebisch’s early thinking on the “Argentine business cycle” / Arturo O’Connell. -- The ideas of young Prebisch / Adolfo Gurrieri. -- Raúl Prebisch: his years in government / Roberto Cortés Conde. -- Markets and the State in the evolution of the “Prebisch manifesto” / Edgar Dosman. -- The motive ideas behind three industrialization processes / Norberto González.
ARTICLES. Technological change and opportunities for development as a moving target / Carlota Pérez. -- Sectoral regimes, productivity and international competitiveness / Jorge Katz and Giovanni Stumpo. -- Participation by the poor in the fruits of growth / Mario La Fuente and Pedro Sáinz. -- Seduced and abandoned: the social isolation of the urban poor / Rubén Kaztman. -- Employment in Latin America: cornerstone of social policy / Barbara Stallings and Jürgen Weller. -- Trade in transgenic products: a review of the international debate / María Angélica Larach. -- Static and dynamic impacts of MERCOSUR: the case of the pharmaceutical sector / Marta Bekerman and Pablo Sirlin.