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CEPAL Review no.78

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CEPAL Review no.78

Physical Description: 180 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2002 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2187-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211214181

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Table of contents

Economic growth and human development in Latin America / Gustav Ranis and Frances Stewart. -- Trade, resources and inequality in Latin America / Juan Luis Londoño. -- Labour markets and pension systems / Andras Uthoff. -- Income distribution in Argentina, 1974-2000 / Oscar Altimir, Luis Beccaria and Martín González Rozada. -- United States interest rates, Latin American debt and financial contagion / Inés Bustillo and Helvia Velloso. -- Making infrastructure reform in Latin America work for the poor / Antonio Estache, Vivien Foster and Quentin Wodon. -- Medical care equity for older persons in Chile: the role of the insurance sector / Steven P. Wallace. -- Decentralization and participation in Latin America: an economic perspective / Iván Finot. -- Behaviour of Brazilian export firms: implications for the Free Trade Area of the Americas / Renato Baumann and Francisco Galrão Carneiro. -- NAFTA and the loss of U.S. market share by Brazil, 1992-2001 / Jorge Chami Batista and João Pedro Wagner de Azevedo.