CEPAL Review no.81
CEPAL Review no.81
Table of contents
Colombia’s experience with reserve requirements on capital inflows / José Antonio Ocampo and Camilo E. Tovar .-- The unremunerated reserve requirement and net capital flows: Chile in the 1990s / Guillermo Le Fort V. and Sergio Lehmann .-- Unfinished business in the international dialogue on debt / Barry Herman .-- Towards an integrated vision for dealing with instability and risk / Víctor E. Tokman .-- The role of insurance in social protection / Daniel Titelman and Andras Uthoff .-- Fiscal policy and social protection in Chile / Alberto Arenas de Mesa and Julio Guzmán Cox .-- Implications of the shift in United States farm policy / Carlos Basco, Iván Buccellato, Valentina Delich and Diana Tussie .-- Trade liberalization and economic growth in Central America / Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid and Esteban Pérez .-- Education, communication and culture in the information society: a Latin American perspective / Martín Hopenhayn .-- Microfinance institutions in the development of financial markets / Eva Terberger.