Work area(s):
CEPAL Review no. 99
- Publication corporate author (Institutional author): NU. CEPAL
- Physical Description: 202 páginas.
- Publisher: ECLAC
- UN Symbol (Signature): LC/G.2418-P
- Date: December 1, 2009
- ISBN: 9789211217124
Table of contents
- Financial regulation and oversight: lessons from the crisis for Latin America and the Caribbean / Filipa Correia, Luis Felipe Jiménez and Sandra Manuelito
- Employment dynamics and crises in Latin America / Lucas Navarro
- Child stunting and socio-economic inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean / Guillermo Paraje
- Argentina: how to study and act upon local innovation systems / Gabriel Yoguel, José A. Borello and Analía Erbes
- Brazil: how macroeconomic variables affect consumer confidence / Helder Ferreira de Mendonça
- Exchange-rate management in Brazil / Daniela M. Prates, André M. Cunha and Marcos T.C. Lélis
- Chile: academic performance and educational management under a rigid employment regime / Ricardo D. Paredes and Valentina Paredes
- A new approach to gender wage gaps in Chile / Marcela Perticará and Ivonne Bueno
- Colombia: social capital, social movements and sustainable development in Cauca / Raúl Cortés Landázury and Mónica María Sinisterra Rodríguez
- Mexico: total productivity changes at the principal container ports / Alejandro Guerrero C. and César Rivera T.
- cepal Review referees in 2008 and January-August 2009
- Guidelines for contributors to cepal Review
- Recent eclac publications.