CEPAL Review no. 101
CEPAL Review no. 101
Table of contents
Raúl Prebisch and the dilemma of development in the globalised world / Aldo Ferrer .-- Latin America: incorporating environmental factors into the measurement of production efficiency and technical change / Daniel Sotelsek and Leopoldo Laborda .-- Economic performance clubs in the Americas: 1955-2003 / Juan Gabriel Brida, Silvia London and Wiston Adrián Risso
Latin America: problems and challenges of infrastructure financing 59
Patricio Rozas .-- Reforming the pension reforms: Argentina and Chile / Rafael Rofman, Eduardo Fajnzylber and Germán Herrera .-- Social coordination through public policies: the Chilean case / Aldo Mascareño .-- Chile: Interaction between the State and civil society in policies
on childhood / Carlos Andrade and Sara Arancibia .-- Brazilian municipalities: agglomeration economies and development levels in 1997 and 2007 / Eva Yamila da Silva Catela, Flávio Gonçalves and Gabriel Porcile .-- The footwear industry in Vale do Sinos (Brazil): competitive adjustment in a labour-intensive sector / Achyles Barcelos da Costa .-- Growth and concentration among the leading business groups in Mexico / Germán Alarco and Patricia del Hierro .-- Guidelines for contributors to cepal Review.