Energy efficiency and mobility: A roadmap towards a greener economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Author:
Kreuzer, Fabian Maximilian -
Wilmsmeier, Gordon - - Publication corporate author (Institutional author): NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura
- Physical Description: 268 páginas.
- Publisher: ECLAC
- UN Symbol (Signature): LC/W.602
- Date: October 1, 2014
Much analysis and proposals on sustainable transport policies have been developed around the world, both at government and research institutions. It is clear that no action will provide the single solution and it is imperative to act simultaneously on: i) improvement of technology in vehicles, leading to increased energy efficiency; ii) the change in driver behavior, to use less fuel per kilometer; iii) reducing the distances traveled per vehicle; and iv) a change in the type of travels towards more sustainable modes of transport.In general, the recommendations for energy efficiency in transport are mainly focused on the first two priorities on the list, while the portfolios of policies —instrumental to the needs of the countries— should use trans-sectoral and multi-dimensional approaches, such as public transport planning and land use.
In ECLAC, we consider that the time has come to provide Latin American and Caribbean countries with a deeper understanding and a more strategic vision (and adapted to the realities of the region) on these issues; in this sense, we hope that this document will help countries to improve and further expand their portfolios of energy efficiency policies in the transport sector, in order to achieve the ambitious goals of energy efficiency, needed to ensure a sustainable energy future.
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Summary
- I. Fundamentals of energy efficiency and mobility
- II. A global overview on energy efficiency and mobility
- III. The mobility perspective – the A-S-I approach for improved energy efficiency in mobility: Avoid, Shift and Improve
- IV. Understanding market-mechanisms for development of markets for energy efficient mobility
- V. The engine of global trade—energy efficiency in shipping
- VI. A regional perspective
- VII. Energy efficiency in international mobility options between Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay
- VIII. Metropolitan mobility and energy efficiency — Medellin
- IX. Mobility and energy efficiency in small island economies —Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago
- X. Existent policy solutions and future challenges to increase energy efficiency in mobility of goods in Latin America
- Conclusions, recommendations and outlook.