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Toward an integrated transport policy: institutions, infrastructure and logistics - the case in Chile

February 2010|Bulletins » FAL Bulletin
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Toward an integrated transport policy: institutions, infrastructure and logistics - the case in Chile

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura Physical Description: 6 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: February 2010


This edition of the FAL Bulletin
presents a summary of the major
outcomes of the workshop, “Toward an
integrated transport policy: institutions,
infrastructure and logistics”, which was
organized by the ECLAC Infrastructure
Services Unit, in late 2009. The objective
of the event was to analyse the various
government bodies involved in the
transport sector, Chile’s experience
in formulating transport policy and
the challenge that formulating and
executing integrated policies entails.