The Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, 1998-1999 is the first edition in this series. A new methodology has also been used in the preparation of the country studies (parts Two and Three). This methodology is based on national accounts statistics denominated in the local currency and uses the base year employed by the relevant country , rather than figures in United States dollars. The statistical information used in the chapters on regional issues (Part One) is denominated in dollars, as in previous years, and 1995 is used as the base year for the calculations at constant prices. Apart from these changes, the modifications that were introduced in 1995 in the Survey's coverage of regional economic conditions have been maintained in this edition. Once again, the Survey has been published in a single volume consisting of three parts. Part One presents an overview ofthe regional economy in 1998 and the first ha1f of 1999. This sunmary has also been published as a separate document. The other six chapters in Part One review the economic performance of the region in 1998 and go on to analyse selected aspects of the economic situation during the first half of 1999. The eighth chapter assesses the impact ofthe global financial crisis on the region's economies. Part Two presents reports on the performance of the 20 countries of Latin America during 1998 and includes information on the first quarter of 1999. Part Three is devoted to an analysis of the economic situation in the countries of the English-speaking Caribbean.