Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena sent a letter to President Cristina Fernández.
(27 October 2010) The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) sent its condolences today to the people and government of Argentina after the unexpected death of former president Néstor Kirchner.
In a letter addressed to the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández, ECLAC Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena said that "Argentina loses a great leader and an architect of its development and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) loses its Secretary General, who was successfully leading the organization to play a strategic role and one of important regional influence."
Bárcena highlighted Kirchner's achievements during his presidency (May 2003-December 2007), when he had to face the effects of the deepest economic crisis in modern Argentinean history. He changed patterns that for many years had resulted in persistent fiscal deficits and frequent episodes of over-indebtedness with foreign creditors. Kirchner solved the country's excessive private foreign debt - accumulated in the early part of the decade- in a correct and timely fashion and without resorting to public funds, and restructured government obligations, seeking economic and financial sustainability.
Kirchner, said the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, reestablished growth and genuine job creation, with extraordinary social results. Millions of Argentineans rose above poverty and indigence, income distribution improved, social security coverage expanded and the solvency of the financial system and public accounts was reestablished.
As Secretary General of UNASUR, Kirchner "demonstrated the importance of true multilateralism and took concrete steps beyond the Argentinean border to address the recent institutional crisis in Ecuador, to whose democratic resolution he contributed with his quick reflex of a regional Statesman," she added.
In addition to expressing her deep sorrow, Bárcena also conveyed her personal support and appreciation, affection and friendship in this difficult moment. She also announced she would travel to Argentina to personally pay tribute to former president Kirchner during his funeral.
Néstor Kirchner, 60, died today of a heart attack. At the time of his death, he was a member of Congress representing the Province of Buenos Aires.
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