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Redatam workshop “Database creation and development of web applications for data processing and dissemination with Redatam Webserver”

6 June 2018|Briefing note

The objective of the workshop is to train participants in the creation of Redatam databases, therefore, emphasis will be given in the migration to Redatam format from external sources such as DBF, CSPro, SPSS, ASCII. Subsequently, using the Redatam Webserver platform and language a web application will be developed that allows online processing of microdata, thus, achieving the dissemination of information through the Internet.

This course is part of the technical assistance and teaching activities that CELADE-Population Division provides to national and international institutions of the region for the use and dissemination of socio-demographic information, especially censuses and surveys of each country.

This is an intensive hands-on training and will be conducted in Spanish. The course will have duration of 60 hours for eight days. It is aimed at professionals, technicians and users in general ideally, with experience and knowledge in data management and processing. At the end of the course the participants will have learned to create databases in Redatam format with the Redatam7 Create module, to review, process, and tabulate variables with the Redatam7 Process module and to administer the database with the Redatam7 Admin module.  In addition, they will have designed and deployed a web application using the local IIS server and the Redatam Webserver platform.

Dates: Wednesday August 22nd through Friday August 31st2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Place: The course will take place at ECLAC headquarters, in Santiago, Chile.

Costs:  The fee of the workshop is US$ 400 for each participant.

  • Note:  The fee does not include other costs such as transportation, lodging, food, etc. These costs are responsibility of each participant or of the funding institution.

Please confirm your interest in attending this course by writing to the following address with your name, your institution, your country and your email address.  We also ask you to fill out the attached registration form and send it by mail.  Address additional questions regarding the content of the workshop to