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Project implemented by ECLAC and partners promotes “match” between providers and seekers of green technologies in Latin America and Europe

12 September 2023|Briefing note

Actions to promote innovation in green technologies led to 96 connections (“matches”) between providers and seekers of these technologies in Latin American and European countries.

(September 12, 2023) Over the course of the year 2023, the Action of Matchmaking in Green Technologies were promoted, connecting providers seekers of innovation in green technologies in Latin America and Europe. More than 500 people from 20 countries participated in the initiative, resulting in 96 connections (“matches”) established between suppliers and seekers.

The Action of Matchmaking in Green Technologies were promoted by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Brazil, in collaboration with the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC) of Brazil, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the European Union's Euroclima+ Program, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Center for Management and Strategic Studies (CGEE), the AL INVEST Verde DPI Action and the Royal Danish Embassy for Brazil.

Based on a concept of bringing together science and technology institutions, such as universities and research and development centers, incubators and companies, the initiative sought to promote connections (“matchmaking”) to establish commercial partnerships and/or joint technological development projects in the field of green technologies, focusing on renewable energy, green hydrogen, sustainable agriculture and waste management. For technology providers, opportunities were promoted to disseminate information about their products/technologies, expand their networks and connect with potential clients. From the perspective of technology seekers, it was an opportunity to learn about technological advances in their area of activity and potentially find solutions to the identified challenges.

The initiative was part of the project “Building a national and regional strategy for the development and adoption of sustainable technologies”, led by INPI Brasil and implemented by ECLAC and supported by the European Union via Euroclima+.

Based on a structured methodology designed for promoting connections between providers and seekers, the Action of Matchmaking in Green Technologies took place in organized virtual environments, with digital infrastructure and simultaneous translation in three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish).

Preparatory activities for the Action of Matchmaking in Green Technologies began at the end of 2022, when experts were selected and mobilized to form the technical team, including specialists for each of the specific technological fields, as well as for carrying out international matchmaking and businesses rounds. They worked under the technical coordination of INPI Brasil and ECLAC.

The team of experts, whose work effectively began in March 2023, developed initial studies, including a literature review and patent and technology databases searches, to identify trends and dynamics in the selected thematic fields. These studies served as the basis for a preliminary mapping of potential providers and seekers in each technological field, as well as for making prospective contacts.

National intellectual property (IP) offices from 7 Latin American countries (INPI Argentina, INAPI Chile, IMPI Mexico, INDECOPI Peru, DINAPI Paraguay, ONAPI Dominican Republic and DNPI Uruguay) confirmed participation, providing information and data from their countries, in response to a formal invitation sent by INPI Brasil to the 32 national IP offices in Latin America to participate in the initiative.

From March to June 2023, 52 entities were contacted in the field of renewable energy and green hydrogen, 270 entities in the field of waste management and 277 in sustainable agriculture. These contacts were aimed at presenting the initiative and inviting entities to participate in matchmaking actions. The contacts were made by the technical team and included formal letters of introduction of the experts and the project prepared by INPI Brasil, ensuring the legitimacy and credibility of the initiative.

The Action of Matchmaking in Green Technologies were officially launched on 11th May 2023, in a virtual event in which registrations were opened to interested providers and seekers and the guidelines for participation were announced. The guidelines, prepared by the technical team and coordination, detailed the objectives, criteria for participation and timeline of the initiative. The speakers of the launch event were Brazilian government authorities, experts in green technologies and national and international partners.

Based on the information provided by interested parties in the registration forms, catalogs were created with consolidated information on technologies in each of the technological fields, distributed to participants and prepared with the purpose of providing relevant information for promoting connections (“matches”).

From 22nd to 28th June, public presentations (showcases) of 16 technologies and projects were held in the technological fields selected based on the areas of interest expressed by the applicants and the capabilities identified with green solution providers. The showcases of green technologies, which took place in an exclusively virtual format, had 506 participants from 20 countries.

Finally, business rounds and closed bilateral “matchmaking” dialogues were held between seekers and providers of technologies, seeking to map and converge mutual interests. These convergences were identified by the team of experts based on a targeted intelligence effort, following the “matchmaking” methodology, to identify potential connections and facilitate structured bilateral dialogues. From June 21 to July 7, 2023, 19 bilateral dialogues were held in the field of renewable energy and green hydrogen, 34 bilateral dialogues in the field of waste management and 43 bilateral dialogues in the area of sustainable agriculture. Thus, in total, 96 connections (“matches”) were made, connecting suppliers with seekers from Latin America and Europe and, in this way, contributing to boosting green technologies and solutions, especially those that reduce climate impact, in these regions.

Throughout all stages of the initiative, affirmative diversity and gender criteria were observed, from the formation of the project's team of experts to the participating providers and seekers. As a result of this effort, the initiative had gender parity, so that 49% of participants identified as women and 51% as men.

Recordings of the showcases are available at the following links:

Matchmaking Green Technologies - WIPO Green (

Matchmaking Green Technologies - Renewable energies (

Matchmaking Green Technologies - Green Hydrogen (

Matchmaking Green Technologies - Waste Management (