The plenary of the Andean Parliament, in its Ordinary Session held between 23 and 25 April 2019, adopted the declaration “for the signature and ratification of the Escazú agreement by the countries of the Andean Parliament.”
The plenary of the Andean Parliament, in its Ordinary Session held between 23 and 25 April 2019, adopted the declaration “for the signature and ratification of the Escazú agreement by the countries of the Andean Parliament.”
The Andean Parliament underscored that the Escazú Agreement aims to fight discrimination and inequality, guaranteeing the rights of every person and future generations to a healthy environment and to sustainable development.
It also urges Governments and legislative powers of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia to strengthen its efforts to ratify the Escazú Agreement and urges Governments and legislative powers of Chile and Colombia to join forces to achieve the signature and subsequent ratification of the treaty.