Briefing note
During 2012, CELADE gave two National workshop on Analysis and Processing of census microdata using Redatam+SP in Montevideo, Uruguay. This activity, organized and funded by UNFPA-Uruguay also had the support and collaboration of relevant national agencies of the country, including the National Institute of Statistics, the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI), the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) and the Institute of Social Security (BPS). In the first course there were 21 professionals and in the second in there were 26 professionals from ministries and local governments from around the country.
The objectives of the training were to strengthen the human capacities of local governments in the use and exploitation of the recent population and housing census, specifically:
- Train (the) participants in the REDATAM tool for processing and analysis of population and housing data from the recent 2011 census
- Train (the) participants in the REDATAM functionality for the generation of socio-demographic indicators at different geographical levels in order to obtain tables and maps
- Introduce (the) participants in the knowledge and functions of the REDATAM programming language in order to expand the possibilities of use and exploitation of census data