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Registration open for the 2017 Redatam workshop on Census data analysis and processing for the creation of sociodemographic indicators using Redatam

17 January 2017|Briefing note

This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam 7Process module.

Emphasis will be given to the processing and analysis of information from population and housing censuses and household surveys to generate indicators in the following thematic areas:  education employment status,  housing quality, overcrowding,  access to basic services,  specific population groups analysis (elderly adolescent indigenous),  migration and fertility.  The new Redatam 7 version will be used.
Date: From April 24th to 28th, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Place: The course will take place at ECLAC headquarters, CELADE-Population Division, Santiago, Chile. The course will be given in Spanish.

Costs:  The fee is US $ 250 dollars for each participant.

  • Note:  The fee does not include other costs such as transportation, lodging, food, etc.

Please confirm your interest by submitting the following form through the Internet, by e-mail to  Address additional questions regarding the content of the workshop to