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Redatam in two countries in South Asia

12 December 2016|Briefing note

Census experts from CELADE met with the India Census Commission in New Delhi to assess the incorporation of Redatam as disseminating tool for their censuses and statistics. They also provided training on Redatam at the National Statistics Office of Bhutan.

CELADE experts demonstrated the functionality of the Redatam Tool and its benefits as a platform for online processing and tabulation of microdata as well as aggregate data to the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India in a meeting organized by the UNFPA India National Office in New Delhi.  It was agreed to conduct a pilot test with a small database to evaluate Redatam web platform processing time and its ability to handle large volumes of information online, an issue of major concern in India given its huge volume of data.

Following the meeting in New Delhi, a Redatam training was organized in the city of Timpu, Bhutan as part of a cooperation agreement between CEPAL and UNFPA National Office of Bhutan. The objectives of this training were: (a) to use Redatam as a tool for analysis and dissemination of the census and other statistics generated by the National Statistical Office, as well as by other ministries, such as Agriculture and Forests, Health, Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research, and MECRIT; and (b) to build capacities in these organizations to continue with the implementation of web applications.

It is worth mentioning that CELADE has been providing technical assistance on census data processing,  population information analysis, population dynamics assessment, and Web applications implementation with Redatam for more than 30 years to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, and more recently also to countries from other regions such as Africa, South Pacific and Asia, thus contributing to the process of promoting the dissemination of population information around the world.