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JAMAICA: Redatam workshop on database creation and web application development for dissemination of population and housing census data

31 March 2016|Briefing note

Under the cooperation framework with the subregional office of ECLAC in the Caribbean along with the Caribbean Development Bank and UNFPA subregional office for the Caribbean, a Redatam workshop was organized starting Monday 4th until Friday April 15th in Kingston, Jamaica. Thirteen experts from the national statistics office of Jamaica will participate plus two representatives from the Cayman Islands and two other representatives from St. Kitts and Nevis.

The course objectives will be

• To introduce participants to the use of REDATAM as a tool for analysis and dissemination of population and housing census data in order to ensure timely delivery of the census results.

• To promote the use of REDATAM among Caribbean countries for processing and dissemination of their censuses and surveys

• To develop the capacity within the National Statistical Offices in the use of REDATAM as a validation and database creation tool

• To develop the capacity within the National Statistical Offices for the creation of applications built using Redatam Webserver for on line processing


Each country will use its own population and housing census database in its original format (SPSS CSPro or DBF) converting it to Redatam during the workshop and developing a Redatam web application for dissemination and online processing.