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BURUNDI: Experts on population issues from Burundi will attend an internship at CELADE to deepen the use of Redatam

15 February 2017|Briefing note

Experts from the Burundi Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies and the UNFPA-Burundi National Office will hold a two-week internship at CELADE, Population Division of ECLAC, to deepen the use of REDATAM as a platform for processing, analysis and dissemination of the socio-demographic information produced by the Institute.

At the end of February 2017 two people from Burundi, one from the Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (ISTEEBU) and one from the UNFPA National Office will visit us.  The objective of this internship is to deepen the concepts of Redatam database creation and to practice in the development of on-line applications with Redatam Webserver for the analysis and dissemination of censuses and other statistics generated by the institute.

It is worth mentioning that CELADE – Population Division of ECLAC, has been providing technical assistance on census data processing, population information analysis, population dynamics assessment and on-line applications development with Redatam for more than 30 years to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.  More recently also to countries from other regions such as Africa, Oceania and Asia, thus contributing to the process of promoting the dissemination of population information around the world.

In this regard, Burundi started some time ago to develop its IMIS (Integrated Information Management System) portal, which has already available, an application of the analysis and dissemination of statistics and censuses (census of 2008) under the Redatam Webserver platform in the following link: ://