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20 June 2024 | Press Release
At the First Regional Conference of Parliamentary Committees of the Future, political representatives from various countries and experts from regional and international organizations shared experiences for increasing and improving capacities for legislative foresight and anticipatory governance.
9 April 2024 | Press Release
Only in this way will the region be able to escape the low-growth trap in which it is caught, authorities and experts affirmed at the joint Annual Conference held by both organizations in Santiago, Chile.
16 September 2023 | Press Release
At the meeting held in Cuba, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs spoke on behalf of the five United Nations Regional Commissions and held bilateral meetings with senior government officials.
10 July 2023 | Press Release
In a new report, ECLAC calls on countries to improve their policy design to take advantage of the contribution that FDI can make to the energy transition and to the region’s sustainable productive development.
28 April 2023 | Press Release
Halfway through the period agreed upon by United Nations Member States in 2015, greater progress on the targets will require the participation of all stakeholders as well as structural transformations in the region, delegates warned at the conclusion of the Sixth Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development.
7 December 2021 | Press Release
In its annual report “International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean,” ECLAC forecasts that exports will grow by 25% this year, after falling 10% in 2020.
5 August 2021 | Press Release
In a new report, ECLAC calls on the region’s countries to channel FDI flows – which are expected to hold steady in 2021 – towards activities that generate greater productivity, innovation and technology.
27 January 2021 | Press Release
Alberto Fernández delivered a keynote lecture during a high-level meeting at ECLAC’s headquarters in which the United Nations organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, participated along with the Rector of the University of Chile, Ennio Vivaldi.
27 October 2020 | Press Release
At its 38th session, ECLAC unveiled its development proposal for Latin American and Caribbean countries.
29 August 2018 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented the document “The Inefficiency of Inequality” during a keynote speech made at UNAM, in Mexico City.
28 de August de 2018 | Press Release
Publicación académica contiene artículos sobre investigaciones relacionadas con Brasil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, México y Perú, además de un suplemento especial conmemorativo de los 70 años de la CEPAL, que recopila material inédito de Raúl Prebisch.
29 May 2018 | Press Release
During a visit to Paris, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean and in the OECD Forum 2018, among other events.
10 May 2018 | Press Release
Authorities spotlighted the proposal laid out in ECLAC’s document “The Inefficiency of Inequality,” which was presented today in Cuba by the organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
6 May 2018 | Press Release
In the framework of its 37th session to be held in Cuba, ECLAC will present a new institutional document with its development proposal for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
8 September 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the XX Annual CAF Conference, in Washington.
26 August 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary spoke at a meeting of Open Government Partnership in Mexico City.
18 August 2015 | Press Release
The MIT Sloan School of Management and ECLAC hold a seminar on the future of energy in Santiago, Chile.
6 November 2014 | Press Release
ECLAC Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, was part of the team that prepared a special report on this matter.
26 June 2013 | Press Release
The region's ministers stated that integration in these areas is crucial for the path of development and equality.
22 June 2004 | Press Release
The Commission will present the document Productive Development in the Open Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean